Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Norway Minister leads the way !

The Norwegian Minister for children, equality and social equality is advocating couples have a date night as a means of lowering the 40 :/: divorce rate in Norway.
Fabulous marital advice !

Today I spoke with Stuart Bocking on radio 2ue today on this saving marriages. I wholeheartedly agree as a marriage friendly health professional and the clinical research of psychologist  John Gottman provide the hard data evidence. 

Grow together and avoid being a statistic. It's never too late. 

Indeed I often prescribe a couple date where you and your partner can rediscover the romance in your life. Kid free, no hassle fun and your imagination is all that is required. 

Challenge : recommit to your relationship today. Organise a night out or in and inspire each other with talk of your hopes and dreams together. 

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Albert Einstein said of life's difficulties there is always an opportunity...

This may seem hard to believe when you are stuck in the midst of a difficulty like an affair.
The hurt keeps rebounding, you have a good moment only to be reminded when a trigger comes up - your waiter/ess has the same name as the third party, or your mind starts to ask more questions and you feel stuck. . 

Take heart healing in your relationship will occur with time. 

With the healing comes Einstein's opportunity. Here you can rediscover or even uncover new truths about yourself and your relationship. Uncomfortable they may be when we reveal formerly ignored parts and expose our most vulnerable sides. 

This takes great courage and safety in a relationship. To dare to show our flaws and really be seen by our intimate partner and for them to love you all the more as they 'get' the 'real' you. 

What difficulty can you use today as an opportunity for emotional connection in your closest relationships?

Friday, 15 February 2013

Whoops! Re Valentines day post

A friend told me today she visited Clint's site and was unable to view the articles.
I will check in to see when this will happen

My apologies !

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Happy Valentines day!

Hope you are having an ok day please check out my article on real world practical relationship advice for all year round.

Great news on another note Clint Salter has asked me to be a contributor to his new venture and inspiration. Make the world move.

Please visit and read my articles by clicking on my picture.

Enjoy your day whatever your couple status !
Regards Philipa

Thursday, 24 January 2013

A Tribute to my first Relationships Australia supervisor Carolyn Richards.

Today I attended Carolyn's funeral in Sydney. She had struggled with a rare and awful cancer for nearly 2 years.

Her husband John read out a love letter that brought most of us to tears and he was choking with emotion. He had written it on their 30th wedding anniversary. here he shared his love for her, truly heartwarming. Each family member gave a eulogy that really honoured her, her life and works.

She will be missed by many and most dearly her family.

I feel truly blessed to have had the opportunity to have been supervised by Carolyn as a counsellor. She was a gifted psychologist, teacher and mentor to me. Her wisdom, compassion and love shone about her and touched all she met. Fiercely loyal she was feisty and would protect her "chickens" as she endearingly called her work friends.

Her voice stays with me - her counsel with clients, her stories of her life and her wonderful talents as a couple therapist.

So dear Carolyn,

Thank you for being you and may I be half the therapist you were!

It was an honour to have known you Carolyn and a privilege to have worked with you.

I do hope I continue with the love and grace in my counselling practice that you showed to so many of us.

Blessings to your family at this tough time,

With love Philipa & Kylie H ( my supervisor who carries your legacy as a skilled and kind psychologist).